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Personal Data this website is collecting

We do not collect any personal data except the data you explicitly opt to provide to us by:

•    sending an email to us on the email addresses mentioned on this website (e.g.


•    filling it in the “Contact us” section on the “Contacts” page. â€‹

The extent of the personal data which we might retrieve in our possession is, therefore, limited to the information you personally decide to provide to us by writing us an email or sending information though the “Contact us” form.


Typically such data include the name that you choose in your email or in the “Contact us” form and the email address you are sending your email message us from or the one which you fill in the “Email” field of the “Contact us” form.

How your Personal Data is handled

Both in case you are sending us an email directly or using a “Contact us” form, we receive an email from you on our company email account. Your message, the name you used to address us and the email address you used to communicate with us are stored in the email account only.


We use industry leading corporate cloud solutions with robust protection from any breaches or thefts for our email accounts.

Do we share personal data with third parties?

No, we do not share your personal data with third parties.

Do we use your personal data for marketing communications or ads?

No, we currently do not use the data you provide to us for any marketing or advertising communications. We only communicate with you on the matter your specifically request us to in your message.

Is there a possibility to remove the data you provided to us?

Yes, in order to do so, please send us a message from the same email address you previously used to communicate with us with the text “Remove my data” and we will take care of completely removing all the email communications we have with you and also remove your email address stored in our email account altogether.

Is there any other data which is being collected by us?

As namely with any modern website, we use cookies on this website. For the information regarding the cookies we use please see “Cookies Policy”.

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